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Help support Southside Water Polo Club! A percentage of your Amazon purchases will go to Southside Water Polo Club and will help offset costs for travel tournaments including the National Junior Olympic Tournament next summer. 



Amazon offers advertising referral commission to Southside Water Polo Club.


Referral commission is based on product type and volume. Typical referral commission on most products is 4-6%


1. When you are ready to shop, click the Amazon link from the Southside Water Polo Club home page and shop. You will not need to enter any special information at check out.


3. Southside Water Polo Club will receive an earnings report with your purchases and referral commission amounts. However, this report does not include the purchaser.




Here are a few common scenarios that could have prevented an order from being tagged to your Associates account:
 - If a customer realizes that they forgot to place their order through an Associate link, and clicks back through an Associate's website after they already placed an item in their shopping cart, then the item in the cart will not be tagged.
 - These items may have already been in the customer's shopping cart from a previous visit to Amazon. Items stay in the shopping cart for 90 days. If a customer tries to place an order for the same item and it was already in their shopping cart, our system is set up to not record the same item twice and will default to the first time the item was added to the cart. 
 - If they update the quantity (i.e. from 1 to 2 items), only one item will be tagged to the Associate account.  This is to help ensure that we avoid duplicate orders and customer misunderstandings.
 - If they visit a different site after clicking on your link, the items could be tagged to a different Associate. Each item is tagged only if it's added to the cart during the 24-hour shopping session that begins when your link is clicked. That session ends early if the customer completes an order or clicks through another site.


Note: Please make sure to follow the guidelines above. 



Thank you and Go Honey Badgers!



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